Home Appraisal

You can’t sell your home without knowing what it’s worth. But how do you know what it’s worth?

I remember talking to someone who said they’ll only go by what they feel is a fair price for their property. 

Yes, with strong negotiation skills, you can find a buyer who can give you what you think your home is worth.

However, you’ll face a tough challenge finding that buyer in the digital age, where information is readily available to most buyers. You want to leave nothing to guesswork when pricing your property.

Guesswork could be the difference between selling your property fast or having your property stuck on the market for years while the painting fades, weeds grow, and dust gathers.

A lack of professional input on pricing can also have you price your property lower than it’s worth, leaving several thousands of cedis – or dollars – on the table.

That’s where you need an expert property appraiser to help you.

With a range of market research tools, we’ll dig around to see what your property is worth. Then, we do a professional property valuation to see how closely both numbers align.

Based on those figures, we can better advise you on what your property can more appropriately command on the market.

Want to get your house appraised? Email info@hapgrid.com today, and we’ll get back to you.
