
Want a real estate advisory company to lead you around the real estate terrain in Ghana? Let Hapgrid be your guide.

If you’re new to the real estate space in Ghana, you’ll need help navigating some of the mazy corners of this unique real estate industry. And who better than an expert to hold your hand through the process? Real estate is every bit as expensive as it is risky. But it could also be just as rewarding. And you need a trusted voice to give you the best industry advice. And that’s where we come in.

With almost a decade’s experience in real estate, you’re in safe hands when you entrust your real estate advisory needs to Boateng, the brains behind Hapgrid. Our broad knowledge base spans property investment, appraisals, asset management, sustainability, and real estate finance. And that means you’re dealing with a trusted real estate advisory company in Ghana.

So whether you’re looking to invest in real estate for capital appreciation, rental income, or equity returns, we’re a name you can trust for advice.  We’re on hand to give you the needed assistance to help you increase your odds of getting it right with real estate in Ghana. 

Start your relationship with a trusted real estate advisory company in Ghana by sending an email to
