
Using Language as a Tool for Effective Real Estate Marketing

Using Language as a Tool for Effective Real Estate Marketing

Language is a powerful tool for effective real estate marketing. The right language, anyway.

Do you know about this power? And are you harnessing it, applying it to your marketing? If you’re going to use words in your real estate marketing, you have to find the right language, the most effective language for your audience. Language in this context isn’t your English, Spanish, or Chinese per se. It goes beyond that.

But language, as in how your audience talks, the kinds of words they often use.

Know your audience, know their language

An effective real estate marketing campaign can’t address multiple audiences with the same language. You’ll need as many languages as you have audience segments. If you mix things up, you will use the right words for the wrong market.

That’s not an effective use of marketing resources. Nor is it an effective marketing strategy that will lead you to your goals. It starts with clearly defining your audience(s).

Your property type also determines your language

Some words don’t gel as well with some property types. For example, impactful words like discounted, cheap, and affordable don’t gel with luxury property marketing campaigns. 

Not that you can’t discount your properties. Or that yours can’t be more affordable than the competition. But if you’re targeting the higher end of the market, you’re marketing so much more than prices – and definitely not the cheapest properties.

You might have to touch on prestige, comfort, desire, and power. Those words in your marketing language work far better than your overt hints at “affordability.” If your market wanted affordability, they wouldn’t be looking at the high-end side of the market. You’ve got to learn their language to speak their language.

You don’t have to speak to 11 year-olds

We’ve always heard that the best messages should be digestible enough for an eleven-year-old. A friend even told me the bar has dropped to nine-year-olds. But it doesn’t apply when you’re looking at marketing with language.

Your real estate marketing message doesn’t have to speak to 11-year-olds if you’re not marketing to 11-year-olds. (Nothing against 11-year-olds, by the way, lol.). Yes, where possible, you want to swap out the words that make no sense to even the most advanced investor. And you want to edit your work for clarity. But not for that 11-y/o.

For example, assume you’re talking about hard-core real estate investing or marketing the potential of a plot of land in a prime location. It’s okay if 11-year-olds don’t understand a word in your marketing. They’re not going to fork out hundreds of thousands of dollars. Even if an 11-year-old has that money, it’s probably held in trust for them until they turn 18.

Learn a new language if you want to market your real estate better

Like tribes, every potential real estate buyer has a language. When they hear someone speaking the language, they perk up and listen; if it’s irrelevant, they tune it out. If you want your audience to perk up and listen to your market, start speaking it.

You do that by learning it. As you study your ideal buyer, you’ll learn the type of language they speak. Start speaking it too. Use it in messages you send to them. That’s what makes your real estate marketing so much more effective. It’s about finding the language your audience speaks and speaking that language back to them when marketing to them.

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